| You might as well use the Avenue of True Success - PowerGems with YOUR MrShortcut
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The men and women who win gold have the same superpower that you have. Not a power of the body, no, no, the power of the mind, the choice to say, "Yes, I can," and "Yes I am." The same tool you have, the same choice you have, the same brain to process the choice. They simply use it more than you do. That you do indeed possess the ability to kick some serious ass is inarguable; you've already proven it more times than we can count. What annoys me so much is that, for all your innate and developed intelligence, you use these brilliant resources mostly for tiny things and emergencies. The vital reason you met your deadline was NOT "Grandma gave me the money." Neither was it "My boss loaned it to me." Even if the money did indeed come from, for example, Grandma or your boss or brother-in-law, they didn't read your mind, did they? No; you asked them for the money. In fact, some of them you asked more than once, remember? | ||||
Every human being has literally thousands of invalid opinions; invalid because those opinions are based exclusively on other people's input, rather than our own personal experience. Both the Avenue of True Success AND the Greatest Doctor Network bring to your attention a powerful truth of life that can do a great deal for you immediately, and throughout your life. Learn this lesson well, because it comes from people smarter than you and I combined who proved it with their strings of successes.
You wanted that something, in point of fact you needed to meet that deadline, so very much, that failure simply wasn't an option; remember? It's as if I was there: I watched you personally placing it in the category of "CRITICAL NEED." An even simpler proof for you, striking right at your own blood-filled kidneys. If a casual friend of yours asked you to drive him 25 miles to work every day in return for gas money, and it was in the opposite direction of where you work, you might have a hard time fitting it into your schedule, yes? Now, God forbid you were told today that you need a new kidney within the next thirty to sixty days AND you have to drive 75 miles every day to get kidney treatments, do you think you might just work three or four hours per day at getting treatment, or finding a new kidney? You wouldn't consider it quite as insurmountable, would you? If you're worth the effort that went into creating you, you'd get very busy, wouldn't you? Contacting organizations and hospitals, trying to raise money, appealing to tv and radio stations for mercy broadcasting, and so on. You'd do what you have to do. | ||||
The most vital point for you to grasp, here and now -- openly and open-mindedly -- is that we are perfectly wrong to think that a sweet dream is stuck in "I-don't-know-how" land. The question of HOW to do something, or get your hands on something, from a pile of money or a handful of orgasms to a happier environment at home, work, or school, is a far-flung second in priority to WHY. Although it takes a bit of effort to admit that the "how" is already inside of us, the "WHY" is always and without exception first and foremost in every human action from birth to death. When we have a strong enough "why", we AAAAaaalllllways find the "how," don't we? From surviving supposedly terminal diseases to working out directions to a vital appointment with time running low, we almost always figure out how to do whatever is of greatest import to us. That's why we find a measurable, accelerating shortcut in putting aside the "how" for long enough to figure out the "why;" why exactly we want it, and what we'll get when we fail or succeed to achieve the goal. The "why" gives birth to the "how." Use it now, and see how this method accelerates YOUR results. ![]() Welcome to The Avenue of True Success, the fastest, most effective, masters and millionaires The Avenue of True Success is part of the Avenue of True Success of Masters and Millionaires, which may safely be described as the largest body of work by a human in our recorded history. Nothing comes close, actually, when you count millions of unique pages from MisterShortcut. Proving the power of shortcuts in building the Avenue of True Success may empower you. You and your actions are what give value to the Avenue of True Success, henceforth. MisterShortcut, and so many people in many countries have used the PowerGems. Now, it's your turn, because no one can achieve your success on your behalf. Since you already use so many shortcuts in your life, you can add new ones. You can train yourself in as little as a minute or less to use more of the shortcuts you already know. If I ask ten times and you ask a thousand, it is virtually guaranteed that you will get far more yesses. It really is that simple, so you are urged to suspend your opinion until you begin shattering great records. Your opinion is far less important than your finding, and you can only create a finding through your actions. WHATEVER you most want in life, you will likely attain it a good bit faster when you learn to ask more. Asking more people more times each is an absolute secret and shortcut of nearly all self-made billionaires. Stop pretending to know more than those people who consistently and repeatedly do more, and achieve more. If your information is not coming from the horse's mouth, maybe you are learning from the wrong end of the horse. The Avenue of True Success of Masters and Millionaires is, easily, the Largest Self-Empowerment Website Online.... so use it just as if it is created for you... ... because it is. If you simply examine, even superficially, the success rates of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires, you will find that shortcuts upon more shortcuts behind even yet more shortcuts play an outsized role in their wins. When we imitate the actions and attitudes of those who outperform everyone else, we are using shortcuts, the kind and breadth of shortcuts that constitute the Avenue of True Success and Greatest Doctor Network. |
AlwaysLovingYou.com - SweeterDomain if ever there was a sweeter domain -
AutoHealing.com - For the natural healing crowd, a sweeter domain cannot be found -
Sweeter domain for sale in the SweeterDomain collection
Even at cost of promoting the separate keyword of "city" in reference to geo-domains
Erotically.ME - Well, few words needed, so let's get www.Erotically.me out of here, along with www.SexPounder.com - not quite odious, just not so comfortable in these refined surroundings
Plus, we note that Exquisitely.com was recently offered at $28,000 - We're confident that we can do much better than that if you wish to purchase www.Exquisitely.me as YOUR SweeterDomain
Exquisition.com - www.Exquistion.com is a sweeter domain because it is anything you order it to be
Frissing.com - Are we frissing, or what? - A sweeter domain to be included in many sweeterdomain collections,
Gliteratti.com - Well, technically, it is one word, and a gliteratti word at that, thus, www.Gliteratti.com is included in the Avenue of True Success SweeterDomain collection.
You KNEW the Avenue of True Success as a child, and then became SO socially aware of yourself at puberty,
so psycho-socio-sexually aware of yourself that you began to care more about the opinions of other people...
MORE than you care about your immediate circle of influence, including the face in your nearest mirror.
You can work to get faster at something... or better at it. Getting faster does not mean better, true?
It's quite the opposite with getting BETTER at it, because getting faster is a fringe benefit of effort.
Awaken and engage your own internal sense of the Avenue of True Success, on a daily basis.
Make a habit of reaching for the tiniest bit more within yourself, with ALL that you repeat.
Whatever you repeat most of all, this is a core point of focus for you to earn mastery.
The Avenue of True Success is about the mastery already waiting inside of you.
Bring it out, one shortcut at a time. Learn the reciprocity of great shortcuts.
Glittery.US - although a dot-US, www.glittery.us is a fine candidate for SweeterDomain
GrandRabbi.com - Well, if you perceive or believe that you or your rabbi is the Grand Rabbi, then perhaps www.GrandRabbi.com is for you
SweeterDomains.com - Bid had better be good for anyone wanting to buy www.SweeterDomains.com
Yep. The Avenue of True Success is for you,
promoting self-empowerment.
Which of these delicious SweeterDomains are sweeter domains for YOU?
JUST TAKE THIS PIECE OF THE Avenue of True Success.
SweeterDomains often lead to Shapetalk. Continue seeking.
SweeterDomains.com wants YOU to learn more so you can live more.
Shortcuts may not be the answer, but the search for shortcuts IS the question.
How much sweeter can a domain name be? Well, that's for you to decide, right?
Copy this to place on your site. Let's build a better world, one page, one click at a time.The Avenue of True Success On YOUR Wisdom
All wisdom contains multiple levels, multiplex layers of usefulness.
If you know how to listen, here is very powerful information, new to you.
These next few minutes of your life are likely to change you forever. Focus.
When you obtain benefit from new facts, you get to your first level of wisdom.
With so much of you invested in getting to the first level, it is silly to limit yourself.
You have invested eighty percent of what is needed to get to so many more profits.
Do not limit yourself to one meaning. With less time and effort, each layer gets better.
This is a major and master secret of the universe, used by all of the masters around you.
Seek and find your second level of utility, and then your third and even fourth and fifth uses.
Your learning curve goes up in but mere minutes, even today, when you look past first blush.
Every person you have known of who has merited your respect employs this large PowerGem.
A PowerGem is a deliciously universal secret of your own Avenue of True Success.
PowerGems are hidden in plain sight throughout millions of MisterShortcut pages.
A closing thought about a matter of real import to the Avenue of True Success :
You already know that what goes around comes around, ala "What goes up..."
Click through at thehungersite, one time every day that you live and breathe.
When you save dozens, then hundreds of lives, luck tends to transmogrify.
Watch how quickly a real variety of facets of your life begin improving.
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BELIEVE the Avenue of True Success.
Click through to TheHungerSite and related HELPING websites.
RainForest, ChildHealth, and
As with every act of anonymous kindness you commit, YOU win.
You will, as we all do, experience many of your life's greatest feelings.
What goes up, comes down: what goes around comes around.
Join the Avenue of True Success, solving problems,
one at a time, with the best and greatest shortcuts,
universal shortcuts sweetly called "PowerGems."
You're looking for an explanation of ShapeTalk Wisdom?
MisterShortcut invites YOU
to feed someone hungrier,
At SweeterDomains, ShapeTalk Is Also Multiplex!
The Avenue of True Success LIVES The Principles Of The Avenue of True Success
ShapeTalk. You may think that ShapeTalk is merely an expression of art, or distraction.
We each quickly benefit by learning to see ShapeTalk for what is actually is, hm?
You see, we have become sound-byte people, we like to get it short and sweet.
ShapeTalk is a way of expressing many separate pieces of wisdom in short.
There are over a thousand ShapeTalk pieces in thousands of versions,
spread all thoughout the Avenue of True Success for you to find.
ShapeTalk also, critically, separates thoughts line by line.
Have you noticed that? One line, one thought, mostly.
This way we can look at ShapeTalk and count!
Count the pieces of wisdom you take away.
Look in the ShapeTalk for PowerGems.
As sweet as sweeter domains are,
PowerGems will bowl you over.
That's because the more we learn, the better our decisions tend to be.
It is what you find these powerful shortcuts yielding that constitutes your answer.
Since no one can achieve your greatness on your behalf, go ahead and reach up.
Reach, upwards, keeping your goalsetting focused on out of reach, not out of sight.
This is YOUR Avenue of True Success, and Greatest Doctor Network, just as much.
The value and power of what you get when you open yourself to excellence?
Most of us can hardly imagine what YOU are capable of. Will we ever get to know?
The answer to that question is mostly found in what you do in these next minutes.
Shortcuts of the Greatest Doctor Network & Avenue of True Success do work
The question is whether you will work these shortcuts in pursuit of your mastery.
The next minutes of your life, and the shortcuts within them, tell the story well.
What you do speaks so loudly, we can hardly hear a word that you say.
Embrace the best of YOUR Avenue of True Success.