Mission Concepts & Practices - Avenue of True Success

Now counting some   SEVEN  MILLION  U.S. millionaires, our goal is for thousands of you to become
masters & millionaires... ... a mere one percent increase... ... at accelerated speeds.
The words and methods you'll use are delivered of the lives of
5,200 masters, millionaires, and billionaires... ...interviewed one at a time.

You can no longer say that you can't or don't know how to make your dream come true.

At a book or more per day for at 47+ years, MisterShortcut has read more than any human in history,
helping to inform and establish the greatest string of broken and shattered world records. YOU CAN, TOO!
This fantastic collection of shortcuts, called PowerGems, is presented for you personally.
These 1,000+ sites are permanently free because someone believes in you.


Live as you are... or reach out for dreams and desires, goals & achievements

ENTER  Avenue of True Success Chocolate Success Shortcuts

    Masters and Millionaires       Shortcuts       Shame       HotClick      911day in memoriam      911day photographs     
            Make This Your Homepage - Change It Weekly

The Avenue of True Success may well be the internet's greatest self-empowerment website, with millions of unique web pages, the Avenue of True Success

© EasyStreet, USA by MrShortcut
All rights reserved for humans who feed hungrier humans.

For now, you can feed people with two free clicks
Save a life by clicking FREE - Avenue of True Success Favorite Hunger Sies         In loving memory of Mnsgr Bernie Kellogg, obm,   and his grateful adherent, known as MrShortcut.
How do you adequately acknowledge the helpfulness of a Paul Newman?
Here's a man who earned an "extra" hundred and twenty-five million dollars,
called it profit, and invested all those profits into feeding humankind's starving.
What a living personification of the Avenue of True Success, a hero's hero.
The name Paul Newman will resound for generations to come.
Not bad for a once-failing appliance salesman,
one who understood the pain of deprivation,
who lived his own Avenue of True Success.

All the Avenue of True Success and Greatest Doctor Network web pages,
richly packed with the healthiest and wealthiest shortcuts to Longevity and success,
are hosted by Dr. David Cohen ,
and designed for you in the belief that you were born to rise to your highest potential,
in nurturance of you passing on some of what you're about to obtain.
Your life is thoroughly and indisputably about to change, rather dramatically.
You do not see shopping carts in all of these thousands of pages, for good reason.
You're entitled to the most useful information in the world, the best shortcuts of all.
the healthiest tips to Longevity used by those who know best by living better longer.
The multi-billion-dollar value of the Avenue of True Success is free for your life,
perhaps most of all because it's already inside of you, and always has been.
All of the EyeCandy and Shapelinks, designed to increase your pleasure,
are innovations and creations of your chief fan, cheerleader, and coach

Learn more in order to live more, at the Avenue of True Success,
... because you are important enough to help in hope you reach out and help others.
It's your life, and it is sensible to control what we can of it.

Look for hundreds of thousands of additional pages hand-crafted by the mind-blowing MrShortcut.
The Avenue of True Success invites you to enjoy these samples of
masterlinks pages and shapelinks and HealthTowers
all because I'm madly in love with your excellence. I KNOW that you were born to be a champion.

Avenue of True Success Alongside The Greatest Doctor Network
What else can we find at the Avenue of True Success ?
Good question.

Learn more in order to live more, at the Avenue of True Success,
where the best of your thinking is given room to breathe, expand, and experiment.
Doing things precisely as you are assures you of getting the same results again.
Improving the steps that you take on the way assures you of better results.
You will find that shortcuts work better when they're mentally supported.
In other words, it helps to believe that your efforts are succeeding.
Ala Henry Ford, who knew something about human excellence:
"Think you can, or think you can't; either way, you're right."
You know more than Henry Ford about achieving more?
If so, please do not tell us; we can hardly hear you:
SHOW US! Action is the loudest of statements.
What you can see can be brought to be.
Let's go for the best within YOU.

MisterShortcut literally crafted millions of uniques pages for your self-empowerment.

Follow your masterlinks pages and shapelinks and Tower of Health
all because I'm madly in love with your excellence. I KNOW that you were born to be a master.
EyeCandy is for your enjoyment, in hope your eyes will be pleased with these interactive treats,
encouraging you to find that fun in learning tends to double speed AND quality for each of us.
Countless millionaires have stated that these shortcuts helped them perform at world-class.

YOU are my hero, so please prove me right in the next hour or two. Talk less. Do more.

We will adore you, and follow you, too.

That'a a promise and a guarantee. built with love by the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You 
You are the living extension of the Avenue of True Success. Reach for excellence!

Many self-made millionaires have publicly stated that following these shortcuts helped them to produce phenomenally accelerated results.
No need to buy anything from the Avenue of True Success or Greatest Doctor Network, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Greatest Doctor Network are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

F FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Greatest Doctor Network qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Greatest Doctor Network supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Avenue of True Success or Greatest Doctor Network, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Greatest Doctor Network are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

F FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Greatest Doctor Network qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Greatest Doctor Network supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Avenue of True Success or Greatest Doctor Network, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Greatest Doctor Network are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

F FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Greatest Doctor Network qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Greatest Doctor Network supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Avenue of True Success or Greatest Doctor Network, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Greatest Doctor Network are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

F FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Greatest Doctor Network qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Greatest Doctor Network supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Avenue of True Success or Greatest Doctor Network, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Greatest Doctor Network are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

F FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Greatest Doctor Network qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Greatest Doctor Network supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Avenue of True Success or Greatest Doctor Network, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Greatest Doctor Network are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

F FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Greatest Doctor Network qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Greatest Doctor Network supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Avenue of True Success or Greatest Doctor Network, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Greatest Doctor Network are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

F FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Greatest Doctor Network qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Greatest Doctor Network supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Avenue of True Success or Greatest Doctor Network, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Greatest Doctor Network are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

F FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Greatest Doctor Network qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Greatest Doctor Network supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Avenue of True Success or Greatest Doctor Network, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Greatest Doctor Network are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Greatest Doctor Network qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Greatest Doctor Network supercharging story.

Look for your hidden treats, because there are thousands of them hidden all and in plain sight.
over one million unique web pages by the Chairman of the Board AND President of YOUR fan club.
YOU are my hero, so please prove me right in the next hour or two. Talk less. Do more.
We will all adore you.
That'a a promise and a guarantee, from the man with your plan, The Godfather of EyeCandy, for You

911day Photos - Tribute To Friends

Health Index - Avenue of True Success

Wealth Index into the Avenue of True Success

Return to the top of this Avenue of True Success page

At the bottom of every page in life, like the pages of our lives,
there is a summation of what took place therein. At the Avenue of True Success and Greatest Doctor Network,
the bottom of every page carries the hope for you to realize how thoroughly undervalued you are.
With one hundred and seven million lenses in each eye, billions of computer-like neuroons,
you did not receive a manual, so the Avenue of True Success seeks to fill that position,
boosted by the best health tips of the Avenue of True Success, et alia.
You have so much inside of you, and too many people denying it.
Be one of the people who does not buy into all that nonsense.
You were born with hundreds of millions of cells and pieces.
Your mind is the most magnificent of all extant creations.
Let the bottom of your page show that you woke up,
Let the bottom of your page show that you cared,
that you dreamed, put your dreams in writing,
that you never allowed a day to pass idly,
outside of the occasional rest and relax.
Let the bottom of your page be proud,
filled with learning & earning more,
living and giving more.
It's your page of life, now.

Craft and live your Avenue of True Success and Greatest Doctor Network as it best fits your needs.
Large part of the Avenue of True Success mission and the Greatest Doctor Network mission overlap.
Incorporate your most effective shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions,and the long-lived.

Both the Greatest Doctor Network and Avenue of True Success are personal commitments, to yourself.
With all that you need to commit to in life with respect to other people, a portion must be reserved for you,

The more you competently take care of your physical needs of health, etc., and your material needs of wealth, etc.
the better-equipped you are to establish the life and lifestyle most pleasing to you, and, the better-equipped to serve others.

Let The Avenue of True Success and Greatest Doctor Network Missions Fill Your Life
MisterShortcut wants you to empower yourself with thousands of unique websites built for YOU

The Avenue of True Success was crafted, produced, & delivered in love of helping people, with superlative shortcuts.
Until these many websites, highly-ranked for hundreds of keyphrases, are sold, the info within them is for YOU.
This sampling of the Avenue of True Success and Greatest Doctor Network is your start, & hugely helpful.
MisterShortcut created thousands of self-empowerment websites for YOUR better health & wealth.
Never accept info from a single source, always looking to those who outperform the rest of us.
In return for this billion-dollar network of information, you must agree to help the helpless.
Click the FREE FOOD buttons, or find helpless people or creatures near you to help out.
If only for selfish reasons alone, use the power of Newton's Third Law of Physics.
It is impossible to save lives every day without Life repaying you enormously.
Your opinion is mostly useless until your experience justifies an opinion.
Save lives every single day and your health and wealth will benefit.
This is one master secret of the universe.   Do more, speak less.

Clicking this button and the button that will appear on next page induces corporate sponsors to give free food to starving people and animals - SAVE LIVES WITH FREE CLICKS!
Giving, smart sponsors happily pay for 1.1 cups of staple food for our free clicks, because they get to present their ads.
When you click this food button and the one you'll see next you save a human or animal life... at no charge to you.

One-Shortcut.US - One-Shortcut Into YOUR Avenue of True Success  
  One-Shortcut To Boost Almost Everything You Do
OneShortcut.com -   OneShortcut Is A Avenue of True Success Keyword
DoctorShortcut.com - DoctorShortcut Prescription Of Masters & Champions
-   Greatest Doctor Network For Self-Doctoring Shortcuts
Mister-Shortcut.com -   Godfather of EyeCandy and Shortcuts is Mister-Shortcut
MrShortcut.info -   Godfather of Shortcuts Proves How Important You Are
Shortcuts.Me -   Let's face it: For all winners, shortcuts are you, and shortcuts are me, every day
Dr-Shortcut.com -  Fill up your own self-prescription with Greatest Doctor Network HealthGems
Mr-Shortcut.com -   Mr-Shortcut - Avenue of True Success Self-Empowerment Shortcuts
Mr-Shortcut.net -   EyeCandy And PowerGems Wisdom of Masters - From Mr-Shortcut
MrShortcut.US -  "Self-Empowerment Is Defined And Measured By Your Hunger"
Shortcut.name -  Since Shortcut Equals Avenue of True Success PowerGems
Shortcuts.ws -   For Delicious One Word Domains, Shortcut Does The Trick
GreatShortcuts.com -  Champions and Billionaires Use GreatShortcuts
Great-Shortcuts.com -   Great-Shortcuts Of Masters And Millionares
Mister-Shortcut.US -   Succeed Faster With Mister-Shortcut PowerGems
BestShortcuts.com -  - Avenue of True Success Shares The Best Shortcuts
Best-Shortcuts.com -   Best-Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires And Winners
MisterShortcut.US -   Self-Empowering Secrets With The Godfather of Shortcuts
Mr-Shortcut.org - More Avenue of True Success, rearranged by Mr-Shortcut
Shortcut.ws - Misspelled domain AND Shorcuts Are Shorter Shortcuts

rtcuts.com     - After all, rtcuts.com is a pathway to sho-rtcuts

Sho.rtcuts.com -   Shortcuts From rtcuts.com, right?

Shortcuts.Me.Uk -   Shortcuts Are Me In The Uk Too - Squeeze Your Shortcuts For Productivity

Domainists and domainizers (domaineers?) who wish to buy these websites must have many large bags of cash.
Until these sites are sold, visitors are urged to squeeze every bit of value from these interactive EyeCandy PowerGem pages

Both of these Avenue of True Success domains are websites!
hortcuts.com     - -     hortcuts.net

S.hortcuts.net -   Promoting the cause of shortcuts

Shapetalk From Avenue of True Success Shapetalk Collection

Shapetalk.com - First domain to introduce an entire collection of Shapetalk PowerGems - core wisdom of the Avenue of True Success and Greatest Doctor Network
Shapetalk.net - Third in the sweet series of Shapetalk websites. Learn these master secrets of the universe by living your own perception of the Avenue of True Success
Shapetalker.com - The Godfather of Shortcuts and EyeCandy invested 180,000,000 preciously irreplaceable seconds to be your Avenue of True Success Shapetalker
Shapetalking.info - Admixture of PowerGems wisdom in Shapetalk EyeCandy, from the Avenue of True Success and Greatest Doctor Network world of Shapetalking

Shapetalking.info - Another delicious Shapetalking collection, brought to you by the Avenue of True Success, for YOU.

Shapetalking.net, because helping people to help themselves, empowering them to empower themselves, CAN be delicious.

Read between the lines of shapetalk, because there is more within shapetalking than the eye may at first gather. Always seek additional meanings and benefits.

TheLamedVav.com -  Indeed, merely 36 who most live the Avenue of True Success
Wealthfact.com -   Wealth Fact Collection From the Avenue of True Success
Self-empowerment should be self-explanatory to Domainists.

The Avenue of True Success is the ultimate in self-empowerment, with the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You 
These are the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
and, provably, YOUR shortcuts to succeeding. That's why the Avenue of True Success is here for your life.

Truths Of The Avenue of True Success - Axioms That Produced the Avenue of True Success !

Lee Iaccoca taught that the ultimate salesman/woman is not the guy or gal that makes the sale, for everyone can make a sale.
The ultimate salesman or saleswoman is the man or woman who gets repeat business...     ... delivering more than promised.

Since the Avenue of True Success delivers more than promised, here are some of the extra freebies we want to include.
Every domain or website purchase from the Avenue of True Success - Greatest Doctor Network includes freebies, too.
Buying domains from the Avenue of True Success and Greatest Doctor Network may be your profitable investment.
Living the Avenue of True Success and Greatest Doctor Network will prove to be your greatest life investment.
When you know what your life mission is, the Avenue of True Success and Greatest Doctor Network help.

Whatever your purpose in life is, whatever you determine your assigned mission to be for your lifetime,
turning to the Avenue of True Success within you is certain to increase your probabilities of success.
Knowing where you are going in advance is the most secure approach to ensuring that you arrive.
When we do not know where we are going, are we not likely to end up somewhere else?

The primary mission of the Greatest Doctor Network is comparable to several missions of the Avenue of True Success.
At the core of it all, naturally, is the observation and imitation of those who repeatedly do it better than most of us.
When we duplicate the actions and stances and even the very words of those who are doing it better than we,
we characteristically and even ROUTINELY prove a tendency toward duplicating the best of their results.

Since the Avenue of True Success is predominantly composed of the observed methods and secrets,
the shortcuts and experience of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires, it's the same:
imitating THEIR actions and attitudes, & even their words, also tends to produce similar results.

Thus, the foundations upon which the Greatest Doctor Network and Avenue of True Success stand are similar,
and, considering the power of their respective missions, are foundational principles for YOU to use in missions.
Everyone on earth has a job, a purpose, an assignment, or so we believe. What are YOUR missions here?
The Avenue of True Success asks this questions because knowing where we are going is a big help.
Knowing where we are going (mission) is the best way to make sure we do not end up elsewhere.