Primary Sales Closing Methods of Masters ala Avenue of True Success
Whether you sell for a living, or need to borrow sums of money, or simply need to convince someone to help you achieve a pariticular desire, these techniques are, like all PowerGems, universally applicable, instantly useful. In actuality, they have proven to be the most effective tools of assistance in asking for what you want. There are thousands of books, tapes, and videos on the subjects of prospecting, presenting, and closing. You need not buy a single one, not with libraries and internet resources, schools and, most of all, living masters of their craft. There are thousands of top producers who will happily share their "secrets" If you’re smart enough to know how to get people to say "YES" to you, then please show us; don’t tell us. If you DON’T know how to get people to say "YES" to you, ask for help or find/create a better plan.. When you got into hot water as a kid, you certainly sharpened your skills for creatively talking your way out of it, didn’t you? Use that same creativity in selling. Practicing in front of a mirror sharpens your selling skills... so does listening to tapes, and taking notes at seminars, and reading books from Elmer Wheeler, Brian Tracy, Denis Waitley, Roger Dawson, and so many others. Stop talking about what you’re capable of doing. Do it!!
If you can create better rebuttals & power statements than those now being shared with you, please do not tell me: Tell the customers, because they'll pay you more than the company will!! If you're too lazy to produce your own power statements, This particular gem is lighter than many of the others, and still highly effective. When You Hear An Objection, agree with it, resolve it and ask "Is __ good for you, or is ___ better?""No problem -- we can also ______ and _____. Which is better for YOU?" No matter WHAT they’re throwing at you, you want to respond with, "Yes!!" "I DON’T HAVE TIME." "Yes, Mr. ________; that’s exactly why you’ll want to take a look at our super time-saving features." We have consistent reports from MANY of our repeat customers that the _________ we provide will save you valuable hours every month in and month out because _____________.Is _________ good for you, or would you prefer ___________?" "I DON’T WANT TO BUY ANYTHING." That’s EXCELLENT, Mr. ______, because all we ask for you to take a look, and then decide for yourself. Is that fair enough? Great. Friday good, or is Saturday better?
IDENTIFY THE OBJECTION -- "You’re concerned about ___________, Mr. Thompson?
MAKE SURE IT’S THE ONLY REASON HE’S NOT SAYING YES YET: "Is that the only reason, Mr. Thompson?" CAPITALIZE ON IT -- "If I can find a way to satisfy your concern about this, Mr. Thompson, can we do business today?"SOLVE IT !! -- "Great, Mr. Thompson, what I’ll do is ________________. Is that fair enough?" "GREAT! I’ll write this up...."
MORE POWER SHORTCUTS Sometimes when you're making a presentation, the man or lady will ask you a question, such as, "How much is that?" or "Which system do I have to take?" These questions are called BUYING QUESTIONS or BUYING SIGNALS.
No matter what the question is, or what your answer is, "When would you like us to install it", or "OKAY?" Respond to all verbal obstacles with agreement, suggest resolution, and then.. the all-important, literally ALL-IMPORTANT closing question you will make at least one additional sale for every 10 presentations. Repeat a good sales closing habit 10 x more before today ends. You don’t even need to take the word of someone who’s walking the talk; not by any means:
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