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In fairness to other points of view,
Miyake et al. examined how well visuo-spatial working memory and executive function correlated with three basic spatial abilities. They observed that participants who were better at visualizing, and could rapidly solve complex visuo-spatial problems also had stronger executive function.
That leads the embracer of the Avenue of True Success to ask how most people, including you, can make pragmatic use of such a study? Michavel Rutter, by way of his "Developmental Psychiatry," is unintentionally humorous when he comments on Raven's Progressive Matrics, David Wechsler's WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children which makes an assessment of a child's intelligence without requiring any reading or writing), and a version of the Binet test, propounds the idea that the examiner gives the test most likely to achieve an apparently-expected outcome most associated with the intent of giving the test in first place. Another wit claims that the best test of intelligence is what we do with our free time or leisure. Some believe that the best test of intelligence accurately reflects ability in fields of cutting edge science, mathematics, social articulation and leadership. For all these many coigns of vantage, the belief is becoming more widespread that I.Q. tests are not the best test of intelligence at all. Whatever you believe or opine to be the best test of intellect or overall intelligence, the Avenue of True Success holds firm in proven belief that the best test of intelligence is found in how we answer the questions outlined above. This means you do not need to rely upon anyone else for determining the answers to this "best test of intelligence. Speak less and do more. The Avenue of True Success suggests the possibility (or more) that the best test of intelligence is, after all, how we respond to an opposing position in any area of human interest, especially those areas that are most important to us individually. Think about it. Welcome to the Largest Self-Empowerment Website Online, the Avenue of True Success of achievers and champions - of masters and millionaires |
You need to become your own greatest doctor,
because the MD you THINK is your greatest doctor probably is not.
If your doctor is wealthy, or even affluent, from the suffering of poor people,
of women and children thrown out of their homes due to the obscenity of fees,
then your greatest doctor is really only greatest at collecting dollars unto themself.
Learn more so you can live more, even if only one or two new facts each day you study.
Learn to make those better decisions. You will prove to be your own greatest doctor.