Welcome to the largest naturopathic site on the internet, the Psychology of Shortcuts

    Bodyscan Biofeedback Information Testimonials - Phazx BodyScan2010 -

Dr. Veronique D. Sylvester,  D. C.

I have been a chiropractor since l979 and began using electrodermal screening in l992. That is what I mainly do in my practice now. I became interested in electrodermal screening through the proddings of several patients. I was curious and thought I’d check it out. Until l998, I used another testing instrument in my practice. Then I was introduced to the BodyScan at a bioenergetic conference in l998.

The advantage to using the BodyScan 2010 is that it maps out the direction the body wants to go versus where we think it should go. The simplicity of the test and program easily guides you to the points of interest, be it stresses or imbalances in the body.

This device is a leap into the future as far as natural health care is concerned. I highly recommend the use of the Phazx BodyScan 2010 for any practitioner who is considering being at the forefront of the Health Revolution…. My client base is almost strictly from referrals. The results speak for themselves. There are so many cases I could cite, from cancer to lupus to chronic allergives. What I enjoy most about this work is that I feel I can give patients hope. I can see their health turn around, see them being restored.

Dr. Sylvester is a Doctor of Chiropractic and a graduate of IABP.


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