name="aski" title="Avenue of True Success Askright Page Top">
The Avenue of True Success - The Ultimate In Self-Empowerment. Can anyone empower us? We can certainly empower ourselves. Ask Right And Your Persuasiveness Increases Significantly
Asking Effectively MULTIPLIES your results
The more times you hear the word 'yes' in your conversation, the more times you'll hear the word "YES" at the close of your conversation.
The only way to keep hearing that word is to keep asking questions that encourage the word.
You knew this as a four-year-old, asking for that ice cream, again and again and again and again... until you either gave up... ... or got the ice cream. True, or not?
80% of all the "yesses" you obtain are because you work through AT LEAST 3 objections; not because your boss told you to; through AT LEAST three to seven objections;
In fact, it was based more of YOU being so determined to get that "Yes!" ... and did what you had to do, and therefore you succeeded.
This is the single most magical secret of success in every human endeavor. There are no known exceptions. The very minute and moment that you understand this, you have control over a power far greater than looks, money, friends in high places, talent, looks, skill, brains, and every other so-called "advantage."
The more times you hear the word 'yes' in your conversation, the more times you'll hear the word "YES" at the close of your conversation.
The Avenue of True Success only way to keep hearing that word is to keep asking questions that will encourage the word.
You can use this life-altering power, quite on purpose, in the next sixty seconds.
Stupid people are those who know and understand this power. Smart people are those who use it immediately and repeatedly:
Nothing can restrain the power of current action. That's why even trickling water can rub holes in the greatest boulders: persistence overcomes resistance.
If you can fail 4 times THEN try a fifth time, you will double your productivity in 100 days or less... again and again and again
And by the way, your income will also double... that's right -- in 100 days or less.
"No," does not mean "NO!!" It means, "Not yet; give me more reasons to say yes.
It means, "You haven't given me enough reasons YET for me to say "Yes."
The more times you hear the word 'yes' in your conversation, the more times you'll hear the word "YES" at the close of your conversation.
The Avenue of True Success only way to keep hearing that word is to keep asking questions that will encourage the word.
Don't tell us you agree or disagree... until you try it a a few more times every day. Frankly and simply, your opinion on any subject is effectively worthless until you have significant experience in that area. This one enormously powerful technique and shortcut comes from the mouths of so many of America's top sales closers, those who we are obligated to describe as being among the most persuasive people in the world. they are the proverbial 'horse's mouth.'
No matter WHAT YOU TRY... By trying it with all your heart and focus JUST A FEW MORE TIMES PER DAY, not even 100 or more times in a day, which is the magical shortcut for Olympic Winners and concert pianists... no, no, for you just a few extra tries per day, and, even so modestly, your current result will be doubled in one hundred days or less. Blowing past thirty and fifty and more percent of the time, more like something between 99 and 100% of the time.
Best of all, this works for every single human effort!! You can actually make use of this in ten, twenty different interests! For those who embrace the Avenue of True Success as a part of breathing, our limits are not based on what we think we can do, only what we think we cannot. Anything that we repeatedly do with interest is what we all tend to get better and better at. The excitement of knowing these BIG shortcuts is maintained only when we get to taste their fruit. The only way we humans enjoy the fruit of the best of all shortcuts is to use them again and still again.
Brushing hair with two hands and brushes, washing a wall with two hands and sponges, what we repeat with interest we master. When you get to improve your skills WHILE cutting your time for it by half or more, it adds up with dozens of tasks. It's a time-changer.
This is so simple that up to 97% of us just can't see the forest because of all the trees getting in the way. The remaining three or so percent repeatedly do it, showing the way. Why waste so much time, effort, and other resources pursuing trial and error for every task of your life? Surely you see the sense of shortcutting by just duplicating the fastest steps we see being used, for example, by Maria Benitez, 23-yr-old high school dropout, learning to get several yesses per hour where long-time professionals take hours to get one 'Yes.'
No matter what human task you mention, doing it even as little as two or three extra times per day will cause you to double your results in 100 days or less. Save your breath trying to find the rare exception: in 995 of every 1000 tries, doing it a few extra times per day with serious focus will always and everlastingly provide you with fast, powerful, measurable results.
At least that's what America's upper 1% keep saying. Are you absolutely certain that you 'understand' this simple magic shortcut better than those who...
... ... ... have clearly demonstrated their understanding by earning 'best on earth' types of recognition? I see.
Trying just a few more times per day, even if it's just asking people for what you want the most.
Do it for 10, 20, and yes, even a hundred days. It requires less than one percent of your time -- fourteen point four minutes per day (you get 1,440 minutes per day, so one percent equals 14.4, right?
Those tiny little time capsules that you invest in yourself, just fourteen point four minutes per day, will bring you FAR more results in far more areas than your brain is ready to accept at this point. If you knew better, you'd be doing it better, wouldn't you? You're not being asked to buy tapes, videos, books, or anything but more belief in and action from yourself.
YOU WILL BE MUCH, MUCH, MUCH BETTER AT IT; and if you're not highly-paid by that point, you'll soon find someone who will pay you for your excellence.
The voice of experience is calling out.
This is your wakeup call.
The more times you ask, the more times you'll receive...
...for your every conceivable want. This is a perfect rule of life, and constitutes the one greatest, most magically effective secret of getting what you want. It supersedes every rule that exists. This principle is openly referred to by dozens of billionaires, all of whom actively believe that they are where they are -- more than for any other reason --because they ask for what they want more than anyone around them.
Do you really think you know more than our self-made billionaires about how to get what you want?
This one single page contains multiple, golden, powerful nuggets of information that will alter and better your life by orders of magnitude; just this one page alone. It's not whether or not you're smart enough to understand it -- not by a long shot. It comes to whether you're smart enough to make use of it in the next sixty minutes -- in order to gain enormously larger benefits in the next sixty minutes.
Asking right is one of the magical master secrets of the universe, warranted by your internalized Avenue of True Success.
Each of us has the opportunity to do it wrong or to do it right, and when you ask right, you routinely get what you ask for.
Simply give people more reasons to say yes, and turn their objections into reasons for them to consider saying "Yes!"
With so many free courses on selling, persuading, "closing the deal," and more, it is so easy to learn more today.
Picking up just three or four new facts each day for as little as one hundred days can surely do the trick for you.
Learn more so you can earn more, live more, and give more. Ask right!
The Avenue of True Success is already alive and well inside of you. Simply use more of what you have,
use more of the virtually uncountable resources that you are surrounded by, and that exist within you.
David Cohen, America's Naturopathic Doctor, Happily Hosts the Greatest Doctor Network
You've reached the world's largest naturopathic website, which may qualify it as the internet's healthiest website. That is left to you.. Filled with your healthiest and wealthiest shortcuts and secrets of those who do better. Imagine a medical doctor hosting over a hundred free health-related websites! Not anytime soon, we think. The Greatest Doctor Network is HUGE -- IE users: Tap any letter, number or character (even upper-case) on your keyboard for more Greatest Doctor Network
Mr-Shortcut, creator of unique millions of pages sharing Greatest Doctor Network self-health secrets, is pleased to host many, many hundreds of these healthiest websites, including filled with your best health tips for living stronger for longer... naturally
You need to become your own greatest doctor,
because the MD you THINK is your greatest doctor probably is not.
If your doctor is wealthy, or even affluent, from the suffering of poor people,
of women and children thrown out of their homes due to the obscenity of fees,
then your greatest doctor is really only greatest at collecting dollars unto themself.
Learn more so you can live more, even if only one or two new facts each day you study.
Learn to make those better decisions. You will prove to be your own greatest doctor.